Mahesh Babu’s Maharshi has an emotional depth involving a strong social message. Usually, kids don’t connect to such kinda films. But Mahesh Babu’s son Gautam and daughter Sitara had connected well with Maharshi. When asked about the kids reaction after watching Maharshi, Mahesh admitted that his children connected well to the film and its message on agriculture.
“Sitara papa had tears in her eyes watching Maharshi. She had grown up. Gautam had given me a high-five after watching Maharshi. They were so happy with Maharshi,” said Mahesh.
Not only his kids, Mahesh said the film also moved him and changed him. He admitted that he is a new and different Mahesh today compared to two years ago when he had okayed the script of Maharshi. Mahesh further added that Maharshi helped him reconnect with his own roots. He said he would prefer to visit a village or villages along with his family once in a year.