Bollywood producer Kamaal R Khan aka KRK, who has gone to the extent of losing his Twitter account for his controversial, vulgar and shabby remarks on Twitter regarding various stuff that is related to films, is once again back to his elements. This time, he has targeted Saaho movie.
Sharing the poster of “Saaho” other day on his official Twitter account, KRK has tweeted, “Film #Saaho will be releasing on 15th August 2019. And it will be one of the biggest disasters of #TSeries! Because the budget is 250Cr”. Definitely, these comments are not going well with the fans of Prabhas and they are giving him black and blue on the social media for the same.
One wonders what made KRK come to the notion that a film that is made with 250 crores and with Prabhas with lead will not be able to recover the investment. Probably he should have forgotten that the film is going to release in almost all the major languages in India and the pre-release business itself might touch 1000 crores. Poor KRK, get your facts right!!