The popular anchor of Telugu shows, Srimukhi, is eminently known for her show called Patas which is currently airing on ETV plus channel. However, the anchor made a sudden exit from the show leaving her fans in dilemma. Earlier, she herself said that the show gave her immense fame and she won’t leave it in the near future.
Just when people are speculating behind her sudden exit, it is reported that Srimukhi might contest in the upcoming reality show Bigg Boss season 3. Though there is no official confirmation from her as it is against Bigg Boss show’s rules to reveal, it is pretty comprehended that the anchor is on board.
One more lady who would be in the house is retired left-hand badminton player Jwala Gutta. Apart from her tremendous achievements in sports, Jwala also impressed the audience with her special song in Nithin’s movie Gunde Jaari Gallanthayinde. Rumours are on high rife that this gorgeous player will soon entertain us in Bigg Boss show.
Another contestant would tentatively be social media’s viral celebrity, Viva Harsha Chemudu. He has a decent fan following for his sense of humour and he went on to become famous with his Viva series on YouTube. The third season of Bigg Boss will be hosted by actor Nagarjuna and the updates are just giving us thrills and excitement.