In a move that is completely in contrast with Andhra Pradesh former Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu who believed that government officials should work extra hours to serve people, YSRCP President Y.S Jaganmohan Reddy who is set to become the next Chief Minister has given a directive to government officials to leave office immediately after their working hours.
This move is seen as a strategy by the incoming Chief Minister to win over government employees, who are the most difficult category of voters and workers to please by any leader. It is a well-known act that government employees under Chandrababu’s government have been vilified for being lazy, not coming to office on time and for neglecting work.
With Real-time Governance Society (RTGS) monitoring each and every employee’s in and out timings, it became difficult for employees to skip work under TDP’s rule. Now, with Jagan, this rule will change and it is believed that this is a smart step by the incoming Chief Minister who is trying to win over the people he is going to work with.
It could also be in line with his statement that he will ensure that he earns a reputation as the ”Best CM” like he said, hours after his party won a thumping majority in Andhra Pradesh. Well, for starters, winning over government employees and keeping them happy seems to be the right move for the young Chief Minister!