Ram Charan who is on vacation will be joining the shoot of Rajamouli’s “RRR” next week. He is enjoying summer holidays along with his wife Upasana in Africa. This picture is latest still from his Africa trip.
Ram Charan has been taking a break from the shoot for the past one month as he got injured during shoot in Ahmedabad. He is slowly recovering.
Ram Charan informed Rajamouli that he will be ready to joing the shoot from the second week of June.
Alia Bhatt who cast opposite Ram Charan will join the sets from July. “RRR” brings Ram Charan and NTR together on screen for the first time.
Charan will be seen as Alluri Seetha Rama Raju while NTR will appear as Komaram Bheem.
“RRR” is produced by DVV Danayya with estimated budget of Rs 350 Cr in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi languages. M M Keeravani is providing the music.