Sushmita Sen, who once defeated Aishwarya Rai at the Miss India beauty pageant 1994, has now opened up about a shocking incident happened then. Sushmita won Miss India and Aishwarya came as first runner-up, however, both went on to become winners at Miss Universe and Miss World pageants that year. In a recent interview, Sushmita revealed that she had lost her passport just when she was about to leave for the Philippines to participate in the Miss Universe pageant.
She said that her passport was with Anupama Verma, who was a very famous model back then, and she was also a coordinator for events. “She had my passport for a show in Bangladesh and she needed it for some ID proofing. So I told the organizers not to worry and that my passport is very safe with Anupama Verma”. However, Anupama couldn’t find it. This made Sushmita nervous and told her father the same. But, he was helpless as he did not have connections with eminent people. Also, the organisers were not entirely helpful either. “Apparently, they wanted to let Aishwarya compete in the Miss Universe pageant instead, while she went for Miss World. This made me angry,” she said.
“Because when you win something, rightfully so, you’re not requesting it. So we now have to come together and ensure that this gets done. It’s easy to say Yea, well now we can’t find it. The passport is lost. Miss World is in November. You go later, we’ll figure out your passport till then.” said Sushmita. The whole situation made her cry in front of her father. “Baba, I’m not going for anything else. I rightfully deserve to go for this. If I can’t go, nobody else will go for it,'” she said.
Finally, Sushmita’s father could get help from the late Union Minister Rajesh Pilot. Later, she also confirmed that she and Aish maintain a good relationship and rubbished all the rumours on having cold vibes between them.