Pawan Kalyan has taken a sensational decision to start his own news paper. The new news paper would propel Janasena Party ideology and and highlight Janasena party’s activities, plans.
The news paper is aimed at focusing on the people’s woes. Pawan wants the news paper to be platform for sharing of opinions, thoughts of intellectuals. He opined that the news paper should help in solving people’s problems. Pawan said that a new committee would be appointed to look into the characteristics and agenda of the proposed news paper.
It can be noted that Pawan took the decision to enter into media fraternity after his political party received a big blow in 2019 general elections. Party chief Pawan Kalyan himself lost in two assembly seats including Bhimavaram and Gajuwaka while the party won only 1 seat i.e Razole. Pawan has met party’s leaders and conducted a review meeting over Janasena’s defeat in the polls and the strategy to be adopted in the coming days.
However, Pawan’s decision to start his own news paper come as a major shocker to everyone including other media houses.