After being elected as Nalgonda MP, TPCC chief Uttam Kumar Reddy has tendered his resignation as MLA from Huzurnagar Assembly constituency. This has raised new hopes among TRS leaders to bag one more Assembly seat. Congress/Uttam wants to field Uttam’s wife Padmavati Reddy who had contested and lost from Kodad in December 2018 polls.
Here is the twist. TRS working president KTR wants to pit his sister Kalvakuntla Kavitha from Huzurnagar after she had lost in Nizamabad parliament seat in the recent 2019 polls. With this the fight may turn interesting as both TRS and Congress wants to win Huzurnagar by hook or by crook. Congress, which already lost its MLAs to TRS through defection and lost the CLP to TRS, wants to win Huzurnagar Assembly seat to retain its respect in legislative assembly. On the other hand, TRS which had received minor set back in Lok Sabha polls, wants to show its strength again by winning Huzurnagar.
If Kavitha is in fray from Huzurnagar, definitely, the fight between Congress and TRS will be more interesting. So, a brother (KTR) wants his sister (Kavitha), whereas a husband (Uttam) wants his wife (Padmavathi) in Huzurnagar. What is in people’s minds?