Reportedly Allu Arjun is known for bringing talents together. Whether it is making sure to bring some popular advertising cinematographers like Rishi Punjabi and Ayanaka Bose to Tollywood or bringing some talented Bollywood choreographers like Vaibhavi Merchant, he always puts his best foot forward.
Right now, we hear that Stylish Star got mightily impressed by heroine Tamil beauty, Dubai raised Nivetha Pethuraj. After an impressive debut with Mental Madhilo, she has recently impressed everyone with her noticeable performance in Chitralahari movie. We have to say that she delivered somewhat better than the leading couple in the film.
And when Trivikram is looking forward for a third heroine in his movie, Bunny is said to have suggested her name and Geetha Arts got her aboard immediately. And the film is now going to have three heroines including Pooja Hegde, Nivetha Pethuraj and Kethika Sharma.
Already the film’s second schedule got started and the likes of Sushanth and others are taking part in the shoot along with the leading cast.