AP CM YS Jagan has promised to bring remarkable changes in the next two years in the education domain. Jagan participated in the ‘Rajanna Badi Baata’ in Guntur on Friday and added that under ‘Amma Odi’ initiative, Rs 15,000 will be credited in each mother’s bank account who will send their kids to schools run by government.
Speaking Jagan said, “Just send your kids to ‘sarkari’ schools, the rest ‘Jagan Mama’ will take care. As part of my paadayatra, I learned about the struggles of every mother and sister in the state. As per 2011 population count, the illiterate rate was 26 in the entire country while in AP it is 33 percent. In the last government, schools did not have basic facilities like toilets, compound walls. Even students never had proper uniforms and books. Having seen all these, I made a promise to every mother and sister that I will take care of their kids education and will also credit above mentioned amount in a mother’s bank account. I’m happy today that it is getting fulfilled.”
There are about forty thousands schools in Andhra Pradesh. “Click a picture of every school and I assure you that in just two years, every school will be transformed into a corporate school with all the facilities. We will change all schools to English medium but will make sure Telugu is a must,” said Jagan and wished all the kids who were present at the venue, all the best!