Ex-minister and TDP general secretary Nara Lokesh’s dream to enter the assembly shattered after he lost in Mangalagiri. With TDP’s humiliating defeat, many thought Lokesh will take his own time to come before the media but he surprised everyone by arriving to the Andhra Pradesh assembly this morning.
Lokesh is an MLC, so he has all rights to be present at the premises of the assembly. However instead of going to the council session, Lokesh directly entered the assembly and sat down in TDP’s bench. This has surprised all the legislators present inside the assembly. What’s most awkward is YSRCP ministers and MLAs have rushed to Lokesh to greet him and spoke to him politely for couple of minutes.
Deputy CM Amjad Basha, education minister Suresh have shook hand with Lokesh while BJP MLC who always targets Chandrababu, Somu Veerraju was greeted ‘Namasthe’ by the TDP scion himself. Whatever it is, Lokesh has shown his new angle today in the assembly.