Kiara Advani is busy promoting her latest film, Kabir Singh, remake of Arjun Reddy. Movie got an “A” certificate but it has a huge buzz among young crowd.As the things in Bollywood seem up for her, Kiara spoke about Telugu Films too. She said, “Hyderabad is my second house and I am looking forward to my third film in Telugu after Bharat Ane Nenu and Vinaya Vidheya Rama!”
She further said that she will be part of Telugu webseries and Hindi web series if the story is exciting and the production house is believable.
About the kiss scenes and intimate scenes, “I don’t mind them when the director has a taste and they are not inserted to rile up the crowds. These days kisses and hugs are common and hence, as an actress to show emotions, I am open for it.”
She met Vijay Devarakonda at an award function and the actor asked her to just trust Sandeep Reddy Vanga, the director, it seems.