Many times legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan has gone unrecognizable with heavy prosthetics and makeup for amazing roles like Paa, 102 Not Out and Thugs of Hindostan. Even at the age of 76, the actor predominantly adapts the mannerisms and persona to transform into completely a different person. Once again, Big B has surprised everyone with his new look in his upciming film, Gulabo Sitabo.
With prosthetic makeup of long nose, white beard, magnifying glasses and a headscarf, Amitabh looks different in a new avatar. This is the first look of the film and has quite surprised everyone, leaving us curious to know more about the film. The actor will be seen playing a landlord in the film. The team said that Big B was very excited when the filmmaker showed him the sketch of his new avatar and he was all ready to disguise with the challenging makeup.
On Twitter, Big B too announced that he has begun shooting for Gulabo Sitabo and wrote, “One done another begun. Travel, location change, look change, crew change, colleagues change, city change and story change. From Lucknow today Gulabo Sitabo and the look? Well, what can I say?”.
This anticipated film will also have Ayushmann Khurrana in a pivotal role. Ayushmann expressed his joy over working with senior actor Amitabh Bachchan and this is the first time the actors are collaborating. The film is set to hit the screens on April 24, 2020. Well, this first look is surely making Big B’s virtual talent go viral in no time and we cannot wait to experience this quirky look on big screens.