Siddipet TRS MLA Harish Rao has finally opened up on Kaleshwaram project. It was inaugurated this morning by Telangana CM KCR and there is a wide celebrations among TRS party circles in their respective constituencies.
Harish Rao joined the celebrations in his constituency and credited KCR for the project getting done in a record time of three years. He also thanked farmers who have donated their land for the construction of the project and he along with TRS party will be indebted to them. “In the United state, any project will be in pending. After the separate state is achieved, all the irrigation projects are running. This credit goes to our visionary CM KCR. I would also like to thank the engineers and contractors who have worked for Kaleshwaram without them this could not have been possible,” said Harish Rao.
However, Harish did not comment anything why he was not invited for the inauguration and confined himself by claim this as TRS party’s biggest achievement. Like no other district in Telangana, Siddipet district has four reservoirs and by Dasara we will get water from Kaleshwaram. With that there will be no water shortage in Siddipet hereafter,” concluded Harish.