Telugu Desam Parliamentary Party (TDPP) leader and Guntur MP Jayadev Galla said TDPP did not merge with BJP and even Rajya Sabha chairman has no right to take a decision on the merge.
Jayadev took to his social media handles and added that he did not hold any Parliamentary party meeting and whoever has joined other party, will definitely come under anti-defection law and have to face disqualification. “TDP got established to do welfare for the public and in the last elections, forty percent of AP people have voted for the party and crore of party workers have worked day and night. At this moment, politics is not before us and instead we have to fight for the ‘Special Category Status’ and other promises as part of Andhra Pradesh Bifurcation Law,” wrote Jayadev.
Jump of four Rajya Sabha MPs into BJP, have disturbed the atmosphere in TDP. There are also rumours that many leaders are lining up to leave party. At this moment, Jayadev made these comments and what will it result in? TDP leaders have no clue.