If a film has to get the hype, then the hero and heroine have to promote it a lot in front of the media such that more people will see them. And then, the hero and the heroine, who are the front faces of the film, should present themselves in most elegant way such that people will get attracted.
There are this hero and heroine now, who has become the talk of the town for their looks. Actually, the two are promoting their film together but they are in the worst of their clothes and looks we have to say. Who would want to see a hero and heroine in oily hair, unfashionable clothes and simple attire?
Some say that the two are projecting themselves in that look because they want their film to get such raw attention. And then, few stated that the two are looking that way even after they have applied loads of makeup. Whatever it may be, but a little bit of grooming regarding makeup and styling is required for these too.