Long back, it was heard that Nandamuri Balakrishna will be teaming up with senior director Singeetham Srinivasarao who has earlier directed Balayya in films like Aditya 369 and Bhairava Dweepam, for a landmark movie. And then, there is no news about it after Balayya started his 100th film under Krish’s direction.
As Singeetham is known for carving science-fiction and that folklore movies in style, many expected that his film with Balayya will be a sequel to either his Aditya 369 or Bhairava Dweepam. Later it has come out that Balayya’s son Mokshagna will make his debut under the veteran director’s direction. But all of them turned out to be rumours.
But other day, Balayya has met the 80-year-old director at his residence and spent an hour in talks. Many wonder what is this meeting all about, as it is just a cordial one or they are discussing about a new project. While Balayya doing another folkore or science fiction could not be ruled out, we wonder if the hero is asking senior director to direct his son.
Then, there are also reports that Mokshagna is not interested in film debut at all.