Daler Mehindi a Bollywod singer recently came to Hyderabad. Previously Daler has lent voice for ‘Rubber Gajulu’ song in NTR’s ‘Yama Donga’. This is the first time Daler has come to Ramoji film city. He said that he has seen many studios , recording theaters but he didn’t see like Symphony recording theater it seems.He is singing a song for the movie ‘Baadshah’ .NTR is the hero of this new film. ‘Bantipula Janaki….’ Song has been recorded by Daler in Symphony theater.The music director of this film is Taman.
Producer Ganesh Bandla has confirmed that audio of ‘Baadshah’ will be released on March 10th and movie on April 5th.Spicy Kajal is shaking leg with Jr NTR,While Navdeep is playing antagonist.