When Megastar Chiranjeevi launched PRP in 2008, there was huge support and a kind of wave for him and against Congress and TDP. His fans and many leaders in Cong and TDP felt that he will be the next CM prompting them to switch over to PRP. Though this boosted the party, suddenly at the time of elections it faced problems as many ticket aspirants from each constituency posed headaches for the party. This was the reason for it not winning many seats as expected.
Now it seems Jagan’s YSRCP is going the same way with all party leaders trying to join the party. But many are of the opinion this may finally lead to down fall of the party.Many are joining party only with eye on ticket in next elections and even Jagan is promising them since many are MLAs. This is already leading to discontent in the party as leaders who strove for the party since its inception are getting disappointed. Now it has to be seen whether YSRCP will crash or crush Cong and TDP