Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan has once again opted for a strange decision and this time it is on housing scheme. In the urban region where housing is offered to the eligible, Jagan alleged that there is a lot of corruption and instructed the officials to go for ‘Reverse’ tendering. Also from Ugadi next year, the AP CM wants to distribute land papers and housing scheme for the poor.
On Tuesday Jagan held a review meeting on housing scheme and is considering to initiate CBI probe on the corruption allegations. Per square feet, it would cost around Rs 1,100 but the last government showed it as Rs 2,200 to Rs 2,300. This is deceiving the people and they should not take the burden of paying loans for 20 years. If needed, Jagan wants to wait till the investigation completes and officials should look into the sources where they can recover the funds which got looted.
For now, Jagan directed the officials to stop the works which are in pending while the ones which got completed can be handed over to the entitled.
The government is offering three types of housing and scrapping off this, Jagan questioned why is that few are being given large space and few less. For everyone make it common to 330 square yards, said Jagan to the officials. And as usual, the NTR Housing Scheme now turns into YSR Housing Scheme.