The film ‘Raju Gari Gadhi 3’, a third comedy horror in the franchise from anchor-director Omkar, shot to fame with milky beauty Tamanna joining as the leading lady. For various reasons, she has taken the exit route and various names are being heard as a replacement.
While names like Kajal Agarwal and Taapsee are heard, it looks like the makers don’t want to spend crores on these ladies who are not so big crowd pullers, which is what their latest films proved. As Kajal’s Sita failed to entertain any, makers are said to have spent that she’s not a viable option. At the same time, roping in Taapsee will make people believe that this is another Anando Brahma kind of film.
Ruling out all the stars, we hear that Omkar opted for Uyyala Jampala beauty Avika Gor. She happens to be a comeback starlet as she left Tollywood due to ‘weight’ issues and now returning to the job in a slim avatar. We have to see how far Omkar will manage the best from this girl, as she happens to be a very good performer than many other starlets.