Two youngsters who are going to market debut with the upcoming movie ‘Dorasani’. Senior Hero Rajasekhar’s younger daughter Shivathmika and young sensation Vijay Devarakonda’s younger brother Anand Devarakonda are playing crucial roles for the film.
Talking about the film, Shivatmika stated that she grew up watching shootings and more than the school, she attended her dad’s movie shootings more which is why none of their family members was shocked when she revealed her decision of going into the movies. “I was excited when director Mahendra narrated the script to me. My character is really royal, it’s really interesting. After the narration, I have immediately okayed the script and after audition, they have selected me and I felt really very happy” said Shivatmika. As ‘Dorasani’ is a period movie set in the 80s backdrop, Shivathmika stated that she has watched her mother Jeevitha’s ‘Talambralu’ movie to know about that time period.
“I have never felt that my father’s image is an obstacle for me. I really don’t think that his image will affect my film career. My father has always been a director’s hero. In the same way, I also want to become a directors’ heroine. For that, I want to follow my father’s footsteps” added Shivatmika.