Energetic hero Ram joined hands with dashing director Puri Jagannath and is all set to come up with a commercial entertainer, ‘iSmart Shankar’. The movie is slated to hit the screens on July 18th and the makers have an organised a grand pre-release event of the movie yesterday.
Talking at the event, Puri Jagannath accepted that he hasn’t scored any hit after ‘Temper’ movie but when he was very hungry to score a hit, he picked Ram. ”He is not Ram Pothineni, he is Ram Chirutha Puli,” said Puri and stated that he did not change anything about him but just used Ram’s energy. “Cinema is his world. He will be either at the shooting or at the home. He doesn’t meet friends and go to parties such is his passion,” added Puri.
”People are expecting so many things from me. When I met director Puri and ‘iSmart Shankar’ worked out immediately,” said Ram and thanked producer Charmme for being there on the set and taking care of everything.