Industry Folks have always had issues with Reviewers. On few occasions, Filmmakers could be seen expressing their happiness whenever their movies received better ratings. The same Makers come down heavily on reviewers whenever their films were rated as flops.
It has now come to the stage that Tamil Producers Council served an Official Letter to Media cautioning Reviewers to maintain a soft stand while reviewing any movie or else be prepared to receive legal notices. Which means, Legal Action will be initiated if any of the Directors, Actors and Technicians gets hurt by a review. Those Reviewers who are in the bad books will be banned from attending any film related events. In addition, Any Perks (sealed covers) won’t be offered to media personnel at any of the Screenings organised for Media.
We often see Filmmakers complain against Censor Board norms citing Freedom of Expression. Why don’t they think in a manner that Reviewers should be allowed to express what they genuinely feel upon watching a movie? Is it fair to say that Reviewers must present what the Filmmakers want to be written?