Though director Puri Jagan has presented Nandamuri Balakrishna in a new avatar in “Paisa Vasool”, he has failed to come up with a new story. And that resulted in a massive flop show no matter what the director or his producer claimed about that movie.
Reports are coming that actually, Puri wanted to take another shot with Balayya and he is in touch with him regarding a movie. Long back itself, the director revealed that he will make another film with the Nandamuri star, but the failure of Paisa Vasool led them apart. However, now Puri is said to have impressed the actor with a new story.
Though the director is hopeful that after iSmart Shankar that the new film will take off, reportedly Balayya is said to be looking forward to the release of this film. Because he is also not scoring some back to back hits these days and doesn’t want to take any chances.
So, the double SIM film will decided if there will be a repeat of Paisa Vasool combination or not.