Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy has withdrawn the government order (G.O.) 97 that allows AP Mineral Development Corporation (APMDC) to mine bauxite ore in the Eastern Ghats in Visakhapatnam district.
The previous TDP government on November 5, 2015 allowed APMDC to mine in 1,212 hectares of reserve forest area in Chintapalle and Jerella. Tribals, NGOs and social and environmental activists have made numerous protests against this. As the protests grew, then government put the G.O. on hold and did not touch it later on.
This issue even got the notice of the new CM Jagan and after giving a thought, he decided to completely ban bauxite mining. The activists who are protesting against mining, welcomed the government’s decision.
However, bauxite is being secretly mined at few places and CM Jagan has ordered the police to take appropriate measures to end the secret mining as well. Jagan instructed the police to visit tribal places constantly and win the trust of people.