Kajal Aggarwal virtually has no demand or craze in Tollywood these days. After tasting super flops like “Sita”, filmmakers are not showing inclination to sign her.Her high-profile movie “Indian 2” with Kamal Haasan has been scrapped. She is mostly getting medium-range movies or small projects.
Despite such a bad scene for her career, she is said to have demanded huge remuneration to step in the place of Tamannah Bhatia in “Raju Gari Gadhi 3”.Director Ohmkar recently approached Kajal to ask her to act in the movie as the main heroine but he was taken aback when she demanded more remuneration than her usual price.
When Tamannah walked out of this project for her personal reasons, he met Kajal and has given her narration but he is now not going with Kajal as her exorbitant price would not work for his project.
Has she become greedy? Or is it the case of making hay while sunshine lasts?