Ram Charan is leaving no stone unturned to make Sye Raa a milestone in his father Megastar Chiranjeevi’s career. Now that Sye Raa’s shoot is complete and the post-production work is going on in full swing, Charan is all set to kickstart Sye Raa’s promotions in a grand manner.
As part of his promotional strategy, Charan joined Instagram and dedicated his first post to his mother Surekha. The photograph showcased Charan’s loving relationship with his mom over the years. Within a few hours, more than 210K followers liked the post and Charan’s Insta handle @alwaysramcharan has amassed over 470K followers on the popular photosharing app.
Now, it’s been learnt that Charan will soon join Twitter to take Sye Raa’s promotions to the next level. Incidentally, Charan was quite active on Twitter until a few years ago. However, he quit Twitter and continued to communicate with his fans via Facebook. Mega fans are quite thrilled with Charan’s enthusiasm in promoting his father’s movie.