Last week, a person name Sashikanth from Hyderabad’s KPHB has filed a case on Cultfit fitness and wellness centre and lodged his FIR on the company’s brand ambassador Hrithik Roshan as well. He alleged that he joined the gym looking at Hrithik’s promotions but was not even allotted a slot to do workouts even after paying nearly 18,000 rupees as a fee.
With the company’s directors and also Hrithik Roshan appealing in Hyderabad High Court to quash the case, the Court has ordered the police to not take any coercive action on the actor while it postponed the further hearing to a couple of weeks. This is because the company’s directors made it clear that Hrithik is only their brand ambassador but has no say in business dealings and transactions, and hence he’s not liable to any action.
At the same time, Cultfit has accused back that this person Sashikanth has behaved inappropriately with their staff and on grounds of misconduct they have revoked his membership. Also, the company clarified to Court that they have paid back the fee given by this person for membership.
Currently, the police are not allowed to touch Hrihik, but the case is yet to reach a logical conclusion from the Court’s side.