Kiara Advani became one of the most-sought after Actress in Bollywood after the release of ‘Kabir Singh’. These days, Everything she does is becoming a talking point.Recently, Paparazzi snapped Kiara Advani when she was spotted at the Mumbai Airport.
She just nailed the All-Denim Avatar. Combination of Denim Shirt, Shredded Jeans, Skin Colour Shoes, Black Goggles and the Unique Sling Bag made it look like a complete package. Don’t be surprised if the Young Girls get addicted to this style statement of ‘Kabir Singh’ Beauty.
On the professional front, Kiara Advani will be next seen in the multi-starrer ‘Good News’ which also features Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor and Diljit Dosanjh.