For the last couple of nights, a viral video in which several top Bollywood stars were seen in an allegedly ‘drugged state’ at Karan Johar’s house party has been the center of controversies. The video, shot by Karan himself, showcases stars like Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Malaika Arora and Vicky Kaushal (he was seen clearing his nose, with a power like substance lying next to him) in an ‘inebriated’ and ‘stoned’ condition.
The video turned out to be a huge controversy when Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) MLA Majinder Sirsa tweeted it with the caption ‘Udta Bollywood’. However, netizens were divided on the video’s claims that the stars abused drugs at Karan’s party. Many said that the stars were only ‘drunk’ and that they were not high on drugs.
Finally, Mumbai Congress leader and businessman Milind Deora blasted Majinder for making baseless allegations and demanded an apology from the SAD MLA for tarnishing the reputation of the actors. Milind said that even his wife was present in the video and clarified that nobody took drugs at the party as being alleged.
Varun Dhawan, Arjun Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor, directors Zoya Akhtar and Ayan Mukerji, Shah Rukh Khan’s wife Gauri Khan were among the celebrities who were seen in the video.