Noted filmmaker Tammareddy Bharadwaj found fault with Nagarjuna’s statements in the Bigg Boss show. In the opening episode of the show, Nag recalled his family gatherings when his father and legendary Akkineni Nageswara Rao was alive.
“When father was alive, our family comprising of 30 members used to meet every Sunday. He gave a lot of importance to family and bondings. He values family more than anything and that’s why we have stayed connected even now,” said Nagarjuna and then referred to the Bigg Boss inmates. “We are 30 members and Bigg Boss has 15 members. Let’s see how they will stay together,” added Nag.
Tammareddy is not convinced with Nag’s this statement. “ANR is an icon of Indian cinema and comparing Akkineni family with a commercial reality show like Bigg Boss is not appropriate. ANR’s family gathering is to keep the members connected all the time whereas Bigg Boss is all about money and winning,” said Tammareddy.
He added that Nagarjuna should have given a second thought before saying so. “I wonder who is the script writer and I hope Nag would be watchful next time before reading out the script,” concluded Tammareddy.