Mahanati director Nag Ashwin, NTR Biopics maker Krish and Yaatra director Mahi V Raghav are the ones that come to our mind when we talk about the biopics that have hit Tollywood in the recent times. Like we said already, all the directors who made biopics are sitting idle without locking their next projects.
While Krish and Nag Ashwin are yet to announce their next films, director Mahi V Raghav however got clarity about his next project. He’s getting ready to make a movie called ‘Syndicate’ where loads of action will be the main essence of the movie. The film is said to be revolving around contemporary politics that are happening across the nation.
None other than PVP is going to bankroll this film of Mahi, and it will go on floors very soon. Earlier this director carved movies like Patashala, Anando Brahma and Yaatra, out of which the horror comedy featuring Taapsee has won him huge appreciation.