The most speculated-about couple in the Telugu film industry is no doubt Prabhas and Anushka Shetty. Are they a couple or are they not?
Well the answer is quite clear. Yes, they are in love. They have been in love for years now. But they cannot get married. And the reason for that is simple…
Family. Prabhas’ family does not approve of the match. They never did. They never will.
A source in the know informs, “Prabhas would never go against his family’s wishes. For him they are the world. Everything else, every other relationship comes later.”
The reason why Prabhas’ family is against the match is embarrassingly outdated.
“Anushka is from a different caste, a different section of the Telugu community, in relation to where Prabhas belongs. His family is extremely conservative. Marrying outside caste or community is unthinkable,” says the source.
Apparently when Prabhas’ family first came to know about his deepening friendship with Anushka the first thing they wanted to know was her cultural/religious identity.
“Anushka is from a different caste and state (Karnataka) far removed from the tightly-knit conservative Telugu community to which Prabhas belongs. His family is extremely conservative. Marrying outside caste or community is unthinkable,” says the source.
Prabhas, it seems, has conveyed his anguished inability to Anushka to marry the woman he loves. But their feelings for each other are so strong, they are unable to end their relationship.
Mutual friends of the couple say, marrying someone else other than Anushka would be disastrous for both.
“It would destroy three lives. So Prabhas has two choices. To either convince his family for the alliance. Or rebel against their wishes and marry the woman he loves,” says the source.
Or otherwise there is the third option. Remain unmarried and yet a couple, because in today’s age, what difference does the official stamp of marital approval make in a relationship?