Megastar Chiranjeevi and Sye Raa team were in Mumbai earlier today to launch the film’s teasers in five languages. Chiru and team also interacted with the Bollywood media.
When a journalist asked Chiru about his experience while working with Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, Chiru said that for him, it’s not him but there is one and only Megastar in India and that is Amitabh Bachchan.
“Amit ji played my mentor in Sye Raa and he is my mentor in real life too. My director Surender Reddy suggested Amit ji’s name for my guru’s role. I called Amit ji and requested him to consider the role and take a week’s time to decide. To my surprise, Amit ji immediately said that he will do the role. It was a memorable experience working with Amit ji,” Chiru said.
In Sye Raa, Amitabh plays Gosayi Venkanna, the guru who inspired Uyyalawada Narasimhareddy to revolt against the British. Amitabh’s saint-like avatar with a thick, long beard went viral when the first look pictures were released last year.