The Andhra Pradesh High Court has reserved its verdict on Navayuga getting terminated from Polavaram project contract. On August 14th, the chief engineer of the Hydal project issued pre-closure notices to Navayuga and three days later invited fresh tenders. On this Navayuga approached the High Court and came for hearing on Tuesday.
The advocate on behalf of Navayuga said, the company has the contract till November 20, 2021 and till it should be allowed to continue with the construction of the project. Also Navayuga’s lawyer said, it is the responsibility of AP Genco to allot land for the construction of power project and till date it did not gather land and inevitably it got delayed. Navayuga also requested the court revoke the pre-close notice and also the reverse tendering method which the YSRCP government initiated.
Meanwhile the advocate on behalf of the government said there is no progress in the construction of the project and is not appropriate on Navayuga to delay the project throwing the blame on AP Genco. After hearing the arguments, the court has reserved its verdict.