BJP MP Dharmapuri Aravind said people of Nizamabad want their district name to be relabeled and the demand for it is growing. Claiming that the name Nizamabad was ‘inauspicious’, BJP MP D Arvind said the Telangana city, represented by him in the Lok Sabha, should be renamed “Indur”, as it was known earlier.
“The word ‘Induru’ has close association with India and Hindu. So Nizamabad should go for renaming and people’s demand should be fulfilled,” said Aravind. Well, this rakes up for a new debate and we have to see how rest of the leaders within the district react. Most importantly the ruling party in the state should express their opinion on Aravind’s comments.
However, Nizamabad has better issues to deal with. If we go by Aravind’s statements during the elections, he promised to establish Turmeric Board within five days after he getting elected as MP with central government’s consent. But Aravind failed to keep this promise till date and very recently farmers staged a protest against Aravind in Nizamabad too.
This also gives rife that BJP doesn’t want to utter the word Nizam who was the King of Hyderabad state.