Director Gunashekar is known for spending crores of producers’ money for erecting lavish sets. All his films so far have huge sets and this has become more or less a trademark style of Gunashekar. This has also been pointed out by Ram Gopal Varma in the introduction song of his film Katha Screenplay Darsakathvam Appalraju. His Charminar set in Okkadu and Madhura Meenakshi temple in Arjun stood out as biggest sets in Tollywood History. And now Gunashekar is planning to build Kakatiya fort set for his upcoming movie, Rudramma Devi. Art director Thota Tharani is recreating the 13th century Bhagyanagar replica with similar roads, buildings, shops, vehicles with the same atmosphere.
The movie is said to be India’s historical stereoscopic 3D film in which Anushka will play the title role while Rana will play the role of Chalukya Veerabhadrudu, the prince of Nidavardhyapuram (Present Nidadavole). Guna will himself produce the movie and had roped in some top class technicians on to the project. Ilayaraja, the music composer of the movie had already completed the songs composing. The regular shooting of the movie will begin very soon.