Controversial Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi, who played the main antagonist in Ram Charan’s Vinaya Vidheya Rama, is all set to produce a biopic on Indian Air Force’s Balakot surgical strikes hero Abhinandan Varthaman.
Titled Balakot, the film will be made in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi. The shooting will begin this year end in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi and Agra, and the film will be released in summer next year.
Abhinandan Varthaman is a Wing Commander in the Indian Air Force. The biopic will showcase his heroics in shooting down a Pakistani F-16 with his MIG-21 before ejecting and descending safely into a Pak village after being hit by a missle.
Scenes featuring Abhinandan’s capture by the Pak military and his subsequent release and heroic return to India will be prominently shown in the biopic. Also, Abhinandan receiving the Vir Chakra bravery award and he return to flying the MIG-21 fighter jet again will be shown in the movie.
Earlier this year, Vivek Oberoi played Indian prime minister Narendra Modi in the latter’s biopic, PM Narendra Modi. However, Vivek’s portrayal of Modi had received a huge criticism from all quarters. It’s still unclear whether Vivek will be acting in Balakot or not.