Priyanka Chopra’s next, The Sky is Pink, is a Hindi biographical drama and it is scheduled to have its world premiere on September 13. The actress, who is at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), is all set to entertain Indian audience after a long break of three years from Bollywood. The film is being directed by Shonali Bose and will have a release on October 11.
In one of the recent interviews, Priyanka said that her husband Nick Jonas cried while watching her performance in The Sky Is Pink. The actress was shooting for the film til her wedding date approached and Nick used to be on sets along with her. “We were doing prep for the wedding on set and my co-producers and Shonali, they were so accommodating” said Priyanka.
Both Priyanka and filmmaker Shonali said that when the actress was doing a very, very intense scene, everyone heard a sniff there and when they turned, it was Nick standing next to Shonali and weeping like a baby. “You have made your husband cry. This is a great scene,” happily shouted Shonali.
Priyanka will be seen in a mother role, Aditi, who struggles with the emotional and financial woes of her newborn suffering through a serious immune deficiency. So, if you are the type of person who gets emotional watching a film, then be prepared to have a serious session of weeping. Moreover, Priyanka’s exceptional acting will make it a good-tear jerker.