Nani and Vikram Kumar’s Gang Leader has got decent start at the Box Office. The family heist-thriller opened well despite low pre-release buzz and mixed reviews. As per trade analysts, Gang Leader earned a share of Rs 1.66 Crore in Nizam on Friday.
Even as the figures of Andhra and Ceded are yet to clock in, it is learnt that the film got decent opening there as well. In the US, Gang Leader took off well. Including Thursday premieres and Friday opening, it collected USD 350 K.
However, Gang Leader posted slightly less collection than Jersey’s Day 1. Jersey earned 1.93 Crore share in Nizam on its opening day and collected USD 410 K through US premieres and openings.
Whereas in ticketing portals, Gang Leader got good user ratings. 89 percent ratings were seen in portals like BMS. As Nani is pulling crowds single-handedly to theatres and family audience expected to flock to theatres, trade is hoping that Gang Leader will post good numbers on Saturday and Sunday.