In what could be a graceful incident, an MP in Karnataka was restricted from entering the village as the Parliamentarian was a Dalit. Going into details, BJP MP from Chitradurga, A Narayanaswamy was visiting Pavagada taluk of Tumkur district. He was accompanied by a group of doctors and officials of a pharma company.
When Narayanaswamy was entering the village Gollarahatti, Golla community of the village objected his entry and claimed that he is “untouchable.” Some of the villagers asked Narayanaswamy to go back and said no Dalit or lower caste members has ever entered the village and will be not allowed too.
However the MP argued with the villagers but with the situation run out of control, Narayanaswamy quietly left the place and later the police stepped in. The district Superintend of Police said they are identifying the villagers who stopped the MP while Karnataka deputy CM Ashwath Narayan sort a report from the cops.