The post-mertem report of former speaker Kodela Siva Prasad Rao has reached the police who are investigating the case. The Osmania hospital in its report mentioned that Kodela hanged self with a wire. Initially, he tried with his lungi but it did not work out.
Later Kodela used a wire and the police also recovered a medicine that Kodela is using from his room. The police in their investigation learned that about three weeks back Kodela had come to Hyderabad with his wife, daughter, gun-man and four others. They are being questioned as prime witnesses in this case.
The police got to know from family members that he attempted suicide in Guntur but to avoid police case, they said it was a heart stroke. After examining the call data, the police also found that Kodela last spoke to Basavatarakam hospital employee Sunitha and the police might even question her.
Getting many details, the police have speed up the investigation and are likely to reveal more details soon.