During the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Nizamabad Parliament was at the prime focus. Farmers of this region who got upset with politicians for not fulfilling their promises, contested the elections. Though over 500 farmers filed nominations, only 185 of them managed to contest. This showed a severe impact on the sitting MP Kalvakuntla Kavitha and eventually, she lost in a humiliating manner.
Taking inspiration from Nizamabad Lok Sabha poll, Huzurnagar by-election is also gearing for similar scenes. But this time it’s not the farmers, but the sarpanch of the villages are going to contest. About 251 sarpanch have reportedly made up their mind to contest and they are likely to file their nominations on September 29th and 30th respectively.
Not just sarpanch even advocates are getting ready to contest. In protest against transferring civil and criminal cases to Kodad court, lawyers have decided to contest the elections. About 30 advocates are expected to file nomination on Thursday and this means, Huzurnagar by-poll is going a tough one for all the major political parties.
Ruling TRS party is drawing all the strategies to win while TPCC chief Uttam took the by-poll as a prestigious one. BJP too is planning to field a strong candidate and surprisingly, Telangana TDP is also in thoughts to be in foray. By contesting, TTDP wants to protect its cadre and even if it retains the deposit, it will be a huge boost for the partymen.
Overall, Huzurnagar by-poll is not going to be a cake walk for political parties and we have to see who will emerge victorious. For now the edge is on Uttam Padmavati.