Super star Mahesh Babu’s latest release 1 Nenokkadine is just a couple of days away from hitting the marquee. The advance bookings of the film are in full swing as expected. Buyers are expecting this film to clock over Rs. 10 crore share on the first day itself. This film is riding on high expectations and Mahesh followers believe that it can break industry records too.
If 1 Nenokkadine manages to break even, then it will become the biggest earner in the career of Mahesh Babu, by surpassing Dookudu, which has collected a share of Rs. 56 crores. Dookudu got blockbuster talk on day one and it is a complete family entertainer. Whereas 1 Nenokkadine seems to be an entirely different genre film and we have to see how our audience reacts to it. And Dookudu didn’t have any competition for two weeks. But 1 Nenokkadine will have to sustain the competition from Yevadu. However releasing for Pongal gives enough space and scope for both the films.