Why was Telugu star Uday KIran starved of offers as he was a direct threat to many young heroes ?
YES, says well known director and producer Dasari Narayana Rao adding that Uday Kran had been dubbed as the ‘Shoban Babu of last decade’ and as such his presence was a major threat to the family cult actors of all the prominent families in the Telugu industry. ‘When Uday Kiran shifted to Tamil films, these families spread venom against him and ensured that some of latest offers were dropped’ he said.
‘The film industry mafia of these families controlled producers, distributors, financiers directors, junior actors unions and also suppliers. So if any one opted for such outside heros and heroines, they will be denied dates in studios, technicians and also theaters’ he says. They will be harassed to such an extent that they will come to compromise and do their bidding.
Dasari visited the film chamber premises in Filmnagar and paid rich tributes to Uday Kiran body kept there for public darshan of his fans and admirers. Large number of young actors and his friends also visited the venue and paid their tributes.