After blockbuster Kabir Singh, it is reported that another Vijay Deverakonda’s superhit movie will be remade in Hindi. Arjun reddy’s remake Kabir Singh received the same amount of flak and praises, starring Shahid Kapoor. Now, Geeta Govindam is all set to go onboard with reportedly Ishaan Khattar, Shahid’s brother as the lead actor. Geeta Govindam stood as one of the super hit films in 2018, with 132 crores at the box office.
The ace filmmaker Rohit Shetty, popularly known for his hilarious action stunt films, has acquired the rights for Geeta Govindam and had issued a public notice on the same. Though Rohit will only produce the film at the moment, he may also direct the film if needed. He earlier directed Telugu remake NTR’s ‘Temper’ as ‘Simmba’ last year.
Rohit is currently modifying the script of Vijay Deverakonda’s film to suit the taste of Bollywood fans and the cast details will be confirmed very soon. Known for his Golmaal franchise and Singham franchise, Rohit is all set to come up with another flick Sooryavanshi starring Akshay Kumar.