RX 100 director Ajay Bhupathi’s next has been finally locked. The film is going to feature two young sensations Karthikeya and Vishwak Sen. Apparently, both will have equally significant roles and the actors have agreed to take up the roles. Recently, Ajay gave them full narration and both have liked the story and given their nod.
Buzz is that the film would be titled as Maha Samudram. The film is going to be rustic and raw like Ajay’s directorial debut RX 100. Karthikeya has earlier done Gang Leader alongside Nani. His role got good recognition in the film.
On the other hand, Vishwak Sen struck chords with youth with his recent Falaknuma Das. The collaboration of Karthikeya, Vishwak Sen and Ajay Bhupathi is certainly raising a lot of interest on the film. More details to be revealed soon.