In a surprise, Lok Satta chief Jayaprakash Narayan has backed Telangana CM KCR on TSRTC strike. Yesterday JP took part in a Telugu news channel debate along with RTC leaders and oppositions.
During the debate, JP commented that RTC is a business entity and so it has no right to ask for merger of its corporation with government. “RTC leaders should realize that RTC is a business entity whereas government is at service of people and decision-maker. Except for the merger demand, RTC can ask for pay hikes, recruitments and others,” said JP.
Being a civil servant JP’s comments can’t be rubbed off here and he should be appreciated for not taking sides.
If we remember, JP made an open challenge to CM KCR on Kaleshwaram Project and the latter took on the former. Despite criticism, JP is commenting on issue basis unlike the seasoned opportunistic politicians.