#BiggBoss3 lost its charm as it is entering the final weeks unlike the Season 2 which became a talking point for everyone as the Kaushal and Geetha Madhuri war intensified towards the ending weeks. And then, the third season’s contestants are the main drawback we must say as everyone is playing quite strategically.
Though the likes of Shraddha Das, Hebah Patel, Eesha Rebba and anchor Lasya have pipped #BiggBoss3 offer as a rumour, highly placed insiders confirmed that they are indeed given an offer. But those heroines are not ready to take up the job as they felt that exposing their persona to the people would hurt their chances in the film industry further.
All those heroines are said to be feeling happy and lucky because they haven’t signed the third season. With poor response from audiences and a low-key interest among digital nomads, surely the program would have not helped these hotties in any way. Had they got mouth watered for the pay packet offered, surely their image would have gone nowhere, is what they feel, says a film industry source.